New Update: GA4 Real-Time Report Now Displays Pages with Active Users and Views

New Update: GA4 Real-Time Report Now Displays Pages with Active Users and Views

The updated Realtime Pages Report in Google Analytics allows you to see which pages on your website or app are currently attracting visitors and how many users are interacting with each page. This valuable data helps you pinpoint popular content, evaluate the success of marketing efforts, and swiftly resolve any site or app-related issues.

Realtime report in GA4


How to Access the Realtime Pages Report

To access the Realtime Pages Report in Google Analytics, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
  2. From the left-side navigation panel, click on Reports.
  3. Under the Realtime section, select Pages.

Once in the report, you will immediately see a breakdown of your website or app’s active pages and users.

Key Features of the Report

1. Summary Cards

At the top of the Realtime Pages Report, you’ll find two summary cards that provide an overview of your site’s performance in the last 30 minutes:

  • Key Metrics Card: This card displays the total number of views and active users on your site or app within the last 30 minutes. It’s an excellent snapshot of your current activity.
  • Bar Graph Card: The bar graph visually represents active users per minute over the last 30 minutes. This helps you track fluctuations in real-time traffic and pinpoint peak activity periods.

Realtime report in GA4 Mediology

2. Page Path and Screen Class Table

Below the summary cards, you’ll find a table that gives a detailed breakdown of user activity. This table includes the following data:

  • Page Path and Screen Class: Lists the individual pages of your website or screens of your app that users are engaging with. The pages are sorted by the number of views and active users, helping you easily identify the most popular sections of your site or app.
  • Views: This metric shows the total number of pageviews or screenviews that each specific page or screen has received in the last 30 minutes. Monitoring this data helps you track which pages are attracting the most traffic.
  • Active Users: This metric displays the number of distinct users who are currently viewing a specific page or screen. This is a key performance indicator for tracking user engagement in real time.

Practical Uses of the Realtime Pages Report

  • Identify Popular Pages: With this report, you can instantly see which pages are trending on your site. This can help you focus your efforts on optimizing content, improving user experience, or promoting high-traffic pages.
  • Evaluate Marketing Campaigns: If you’ve recently launched a campaign, the Realtime Pages Report allows you to see if there’s an immediate traffic boost and which landing pages are getting the most attention.
  • Troubleshoot Website Issues: If you notice a sudden drop or spike in traffic, this report can help you pinpoint problematic pages or areas of interest. This can be critical for resolving issues quickly and minimizing disruptions.

The Realtime Pages Report is an invaluable tool for any website or app owner looking to gain insights into user activity as it happens. Whether you’re optimizing your content, monitoring campaigns, or troubleshooting problems, this report provides actionable data in real-time. Regularly reviewing this information helps you stay on top of trends, improve user experience, and make informed decisions that boost your website’s or app’s performance.

Pro Tip: Combine the Realtime Pages Report with other Google Analytics tools, such as the Audience Overview and Conversion reports, to get a fuller picture of user behavior and site performance.

Read the original post on Google Analytics blog here

Hemendra Singh
Hemendra Singh
Head: Product and Marketing

Hemendra Singh is a full time Product guy with 15 years of experience in web-domain. He writes about quality content and best practices to help publishers crack the "SEO MATRIX". When he is not at desk, he can be found hiking in Himalayas.

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