App-First Gen Z Shifts Consumer Trends in India

App-First Gen Z Shifts Consumer Trends in India

India’s Gen Z, the “app-first” generation, is reshaping consumer behavior with their digital-first mindset. This tech-savvy group, accounting for 27% of the population, values speed, convenience, and personalization. Publishers have a unique opportunity to capitalize on Gen Z’s preferences by developing native apps that cater to these demands. With the rise of quick commerce, direct-to-consumer brands, and digital-first companies, building seamless mobile experiences is key to capturing this generation’s loyalty. By prioritizing a mobile-first approach, publishers can tap into one of India’s most influential consumer groups and thrive in this rapidly evolving market.

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Who Are Gen Z?

Born between 1996 and 2010, Gen Z is the first generation raised entirely in the digital age, and they have grown up with smartphones, high-speed internet, and a variety of apps at their fingertips. In India, they make up a staggering 27% of the population, which amounts to roughly 20% of the global Gen Z population, making Indian Gen Z the largest in the world. This demographic is setting the pace for evolving consumer habits, with a significant influence on various industries.

Key Consumption Trends Among Indian Gen Z

1. "Swipe Up" Culture

Bernstein’s report highlights that Indian Gen Z is often referred to as the “Swipe Up” generation due to their heavy reliance on apps for virtually everything, from social media engagement to ordering food, hailing rides, and shopping. The seamless experience of swiping on smartphones has made convenience paramount, pushing brands to optimize their mobile-first strategies. “This generation swipes up not just for entertainment, but to fulfill essential needs like shopping, working, and even dining,” the report states.

2. Rise of Quick Commerce

With this generation’s preference for speed and convenience, quick commerce, which refers to rapid delivery of goods, has seen a significant rise. Gen Z consumers are gravitating toward platforms that promise fast and seamless experiences, whether it’s food, groceries, or daily essentials. Startups and established companies alike have caught on to this trend, leading to the proliferation of hyperlocal delivery services that promise goods within minutes, catering to Gen Z’s on-demand expectations.

3. Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Brands

Gen Z is also showing a marked preference for digital-first, new-age brands, particularly in the D2C space. These brands often resonate more deeply with Gen Z consumers because they offer personalized experiences, cater to niche needs, and engage with customers directly through digital platforms. 

“Direct-to-consumer brands appeal to Gen Z not just because of their convenience but because they allow for a personalized shopping experience—something that this generation values highly,” notes the Bernstein report.

4. Preference for Digital-First Companies

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Gen Z also shows a marked preference for digital-first, new-age brands, particularly in the D2C space. These brands often resonate more deeply with Gen Z consumers because they offer personalized experiences, cater to niche needs, and engage with customers directly through digital platforms. 

Gen Z already accounts for about 17% of India’s total consumption despite being younger. As they continue to enter the workforce and gain more spending power, this number is expected to rise sharply. Their demand for digital-first services and brands that cater to convenience, personalization, and speed will likely reshape the future of commerce in India.

Several companies are positioning themselves to benefit from these shifts. Digital-first brands, particularly in e-commerce, fashion, food delivery, and ride-hailing, have already started tailoring their offerings to meet Gen Z consumers’ unique needs and preferences.

“Understanding this generation’s preferences for speed, personalization, and seamless digital experiences will be key for brands looking to succeed in India’s rapidly evolving market,” said a representative from one such company.

Gen Z and News Brands

Why news brands can no longer ignore the apps

For Gen Z, convenience, speed, and personalization are paramount. They are accustomed to having information at their fingertips, whether on social media or through mobile apps. Native apps, designed specifically for smartphones, offer a more seamless, fast, and customized experience compared to mobile websites. This immediacy and ease of use are crucial for Gen Z, who often scroll quickly and make split-second decisions about what content to engage with.

Moreover, apps can provide a more immersive and distraction-free environment, away from the clutter of a web browser. News brands that invest in intuitive, well-designed apps can deliver timely, relevant content with push notifications, offline reading, and tailored news feeds. These features cater perfectly to Gen Z’s need for personalized, bite-sized content while offering opportunities for deeper engagement through longer reads, podcasts, and video content.

Building Loyalty Through Apps

Native apps offer publishers the ability to create a more loyal audience. App users are more likely to return, spend more time within the app, and engage with premium features. For news brands, this presents a chance to cultivate readers and brand advocates. Regular updates, user-centric features, and interactive elements can turn casual users into brand lovers who trust the news source.

Building trust and loyalty among Gen Z is critical in an era of misinformation. By focusing on native apps that provide a superior user experience, news brands can position themselves as reliable, go-to sources for this digitally savvy generation.

Hemendra Singh
Hemendra Singh
Head: Product and Marketing

Hemendra Singh is a full time Product guy with 15 years of experience in web-domain. He writes about quality content and best practices to help publishers crack the "SEO MATRIX". When he is not at desk, he can be found hiking in Himalayas.

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