Google Adds 7 New Indian Languages to Google Translate: A Boon for Publishers and Users

Google Adds 7 New Indian Languages to Google Translate: A Boon for Publishers and Users

Discover the benefits of Google Translate’s addition of Awadhi, Bodo, Khasi, Kokborok, Marwadi, Santali, and Tulu. Learn how this update empowers Indian language publishers, enhances user communication, and promotes linguistic heritage. 

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Benefits for Indian Language Publishers

  • Wider Reach and Engagement: Publishers can now translate their content into these newly supported languages, reaching a broader audience. This is particularly beneficial for regional news outlets, educational content providers, and cultural blogs.

  • Preserving Linguistic Heritage: By supporting these languages, Google Translate helps in the preservation and promotion of India’s rich linguistic diversity. Publishers can now produce content in regional languages, fostering a sense of community and cultural pride.

  • Enhanced SEO Opportunities: Websites offering content in multiple languages can improve their search engine rankings. This expansion allows publishers to optimize their content for new language markets, driving more traffic to their sites.

Benefits for Users

  1. Access to More Information: Users who speak Awadhi, Bodo, Khasi, Kokborok, Marwadi, Santali, and Tulu can now access a wealth of information that was previously unavailable to them in their native language. This includes educational materials, news, entertainment, and more.
  2. Improved Communication: Google Translate’s support for these languages enables users to communicate more effectively with others, both within and outside their communities. This is especially important for travelers, students, and professionals.
  3. Cultural Exchange: With more languages available, there are greater opportunities for cultural exchange and understanding. Users can explore content from different regions of India, fostering greater appreciation for the country’s diverse heritage. 

Final Thoughts

Google’s commitment to inclusivity and accessibility is at the heart of this update. By adding these seven new Indian languages, we are taking a significant step towards bridging communication gaps and empowering communities through technology.

Start exploring these new languages today on Google Translate or download the app on Android and iOS.

Hemendra Singh
Hemendra Singh
Head: Product and Marketing

Hemendra Singh is a full time Product guy with 15 years of experience in web-domain. He writes about quality content and best practices to help publishers crack the "SEO MATRIX". When he is not at desk, he can be found hiking in Himalayas.

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