
Synergy of Innovation

Bringing best of the industry features to you

Exciting new partnerships are unlocking a level-up for web development, offering enhanced tools and solutions for everyone. Imagine deeper audience engagement, seamless content delivery, and innovative revenue streams – all fueled by this collaborative power. This isn’t just about building websites; it’s about building experiences, pushing boundaries, and shaping the future of the digital landscape.

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News Eco-system Partner

Empowering Indian language publishers to adopt new tech & distribution channels

GNI aims to strengthen the news industry by helping journalists and publishers adapt to the challenges and opportunities of the digital world. By supporting quality journalism, GNI hopes to contribute to a more informed and engaged citizenry.

GNI Indian Languages Program
GNI Indian Languages Program
Consultation for 323 publishers in 9 languages to help them modernise their digital presence on Google News, Discover & native apps
GNI Digital Growth Programme
GNI Digital Growth Programme
Conducted sessions for small & medium sized news publishers to help set up digital advertising revenue business, invest in the people, processes, and technology to maximise the ad revenue
GNI Advertising Labs in India
GNI Advertising Labs in India
In-depth diagnosis of websites for 158 Publishers on various parameters like site speed, page speed, ads effectiveness & implementation of PWA and AMP solution
GNI Local News <br>Foundry">
GNI Local News
Conducted 32 webinars which reached 455 publishers and 1200+ attendees, on topics covering Core Web Vitals, Site optimization and monetization & setting up RCI & NCI dashboards
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CMS & Website Partner

Exceptional commitment to providing solutions for businesses on WordPress

GNI aims to strengthen the news industry by helping journalists and publishers adapt to the challenges and opportunities of the digital world. By supporting quality journalism, GNI hopes to contribute to a more informed and engaged citizenry.

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Built for peak performance, WordPress VIP handles even the most demanding websites with ease. Users worldwide will experience exceptional on our robust, enterprise-grade architecture.
we bring enterprise-grade security to WordPress is through our suite of vulnerability management tools providing code analysis, activity logging, penetration testing, and software and plugin management
Forget old-school editing! Developers use familiar tools to create these blocks, while content creators can simply drag and drop to build anything they want. Designers get to maintain consistency, and the content itself can be used anywhere.
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Video Solution Partner

Are you looking for a no fuss video player & video solution for your website?
JW Player empowers news publishers to deliver high-quality video experiences, increase audience engagement, and potentially generate additional revenue through monetization options.

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What are top features of JW Player?

Extensive customization options
Tailor the video player's appearance and features like player's color scheme, logo placement to match your website's branding and user experience
Engagement tools
Include in-video calls to action, related video recommendations, and live streaming capabilities.
Seamless playback
Supports various video formats and playback protocols, ensuring smooth and reliable video playback across devices and browsers.
Monetization options
Integrates with various ad serving platforms, allowing news publishers to seamlessly display pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads within their videos
Accessibility features
Offers closed captioning and audio description options, making video content accessible to a wider audience, including specially-abled
Analytics and insights
Offers detailed analytics that provide valuable insights into viewer behavior, such as watch time, completion rates, and engagement with different video content
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Monetization Partner

If you're looking to leverage Google's advertising products to monetize your content, working with a GCPP can be a valuable option to consider.

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Improved performance
Optimize your ad setup and strategies to maximize your ad revenue and overall publishing performance
Credibility and expertise
Gain access to professionals with strong knowledge and Google's official seal of approval.
Comprehensive solutions
A range of services to enhance your digital content and attract lucrative advertising opportunities.
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Cloud Technology Partner

A cloud technology partner can act as a valuable extension of your team, providing expertise, guidance, and support throughout your cloud journey, allowing you to reap the full benefits of cloud technology while minimizing risks and maximizing your return on investment.

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Expertise and Guidance
Cloud partners offer expert guidance. They help craft a cloud strategy aligned with your business goals, choosing the best platform and services for efficiency and cost-saving.
Improved Security and Compliance
Cloud partners boost your security posture. They bring expertise and tools to fortify your cloud environment against cyber threats. Additionally, they guide you through compliance regulations to adhere to relevant industry standards.
Innovation & Support
Cloud partners act as your innovation hub, keeping you informed about the latest cloud trends and technologies so you can stay ahead of the curve and gain a competitive edge.
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Schedule a demo with our publisher success team