Top Strategies for Publishers to Increase Ad Viewability in 2024

Top Strategies for Publishers to Increase Ad Viewability in 2024

As digital advertising continues to evolve, ensuring high ad viewability has become crucial for publishers. Advertisers demand more transparency and better performance from their ads, and this is where viewability plays a significant role. For 2024, there are several new trends and updates that publishers need to focus on to increase ad viewability and optimize revenue generation. Here are some strategies that will help:

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1. Leverage AI and Machine Learning

With AI and machine learning advancements, publishers can now utilize tools that identify the  ad placements based on user behavior. AI-driven systems analyze browsing habits and predict the best times and places to display ads for maximum visibility. These insights allow publishers to target users more effectively, ensuring that ads are seen and relevant to their audience.

For example, News Consumer Insights by Google can help you identify the scroll can determine the likelihood of a user scrolling past a certain point on a page and place ads accordingly. This approach enhances viewability by displaying ads in locations with higher interaction potential.

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2. Optimize Ad Placement for Mobile

As mobile traffic continues to dominate web usage in 2024, optimizing ad placements for mobile devices is essential. This means ensuring that ads load quickly, are well-integrated within the mobile user interface, and don’t disrupt the user experience. Sticky ads that remain in view as the user scrolls are one method to boost mobile ad viewability without being intrusive.

Additionally, using formats such as in-app video ads and native ads can significantly enhance the user experience while maintaining high viewability rates. Publishers should adopt a mobile-first strategy when designing and placing ads to tap into the growing mobile audience.

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3. Ad Refreshing Based on User Engagement

Ad refresh technology has emerged as a game-changer for publishers looking to boost viewability. By refreshing ads based on user engagement, publishers can serve multiple impressions in a single page session, increasing both viewability and revenue. However, it’s essential to refresh ads only when the user is actively engaged to avoid compromising user experience.

In 2024, this technique can be further enhanced with real-time bidding (RTB), allowing for a more dynamic and competitive ad environment. By ensuring ads are frequently updated and competitive, publishers can maintain high viewability rates without overwhelming users.

4. Focus on Core Web Vitals

In 2024, Google’s Core Web Vitals are more crucial than ever for ranking and performance. These metrics — Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Interaction to Next Paint (INP), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) — directly impact user experience and ad viewability. Slow-loading ads or those that shift the layout can result in poor engagement and low viewability scores.

Publishers must work closely with their development teams to ensure their sites are optimized for these metrics. Ensuring ads load quickly without disrupting the user’s browsing experience can significantly improve viewability and overall site performance.

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5. Contextual Targeting and Content Alignment

With privacy regulations becoming more stringent, contextual targeting is gaining importance. By aligning ads with the content users are consuming, publishers can improve both relevance and viewability. Ads placed in highly relevant contexts are more likely to capture attention and engagement.

For instance, placing an ad for sports equipment on a sports news website will naturally align with user interest, increasing the chances of higher viewability. In 2024, publishers should invest in contextual advertising tools to ensure that ads are shown in the most relevant environments.

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6. Ad Format Innovations: Interactive and Video Ads

Interactive and video ads continue to perform well in terms of viewability. Interactive ads, such as polls, quizzes, or clickable elements, encourage users to engage, leading to higher viewability. Similarly, video ads, especially outstream video ads that appear within content but are not tied to video players, have proven to maintain higher viewability scores than traditional display ads.

Publishers should look to integrate these engaging formats into their ad strategies in 2024 to maximize user attention and boost viewability.

7. Ad Density and Layout Optimization

Balancing the number of ads with content is critical to maintaining viewability. In 2024, publishers must be cautious about ad density to avoid overwhelming users. Too many ads can lead to ad blindness, where users intentionally ignore them, reducing viewability.

The layout of ads is equally important. Above-the-fold placements, sticky banners, and ads placed in natural content breaks tend to perform better. Ensuring that the design is clean and intuitive will help maintain user engagement and increase ad viewability.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, publishers must stay ahead by adopting new technologies and strategies that improve ad viewability. AI, mobile optimization, Core Web Vitals, and innovative ad formats will be key in boosting engagement and ensuring that the intended audience sees ads in 2024. By focusing on these strategies, publishers can enhance the user experience while maximizing ad revenue.

For more insights on increasing ad viewability and boosting your platform’s performance
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Hemendra Singh
Hemendra Singh
Head: Product and Marketing

Hemendra Singh is a full time Product guy with 15 years of experience in web-domain. He writes about quality content and best practices to help publishers crack the "SEO MATRIX". When he is not at desk, he can be found hiking in Himalayas.

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